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复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部应邀出席华尔街买方七高校联合金融酒会 Wall Street Seven Universities Joint Buy-Side Financial Networking event

2019年4月3日晚上6点到10点,复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部应邀出席开幕式由中科大美国校友会承办的华尔街七高校买方金融酒会在时代广场1600 Broadway四楼俱乐部举行,超过60位华尔街买方基金经理和高管参与了此次聚会。 活动期间,主办方负责人中科大校友、SMBC 资本市场部常务总裁杜云松先生致欢迎辞,感谢大家参加此次酒会,希望大家加强交流,优势互补,探讨合作,聚有所获。对此次活动活动的赞助方以及志愿者为本次酒会所做的贡献表示感谢!随后,本次酒会的赞助方代表美国韦仕登资本董事长、复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部副会长屈正哲发表了讲话,希望大家加強交流和合作,在中美金融合作的大机遇背景下中探讨合作商机,共同发展。复旦美国校友企业家俱乐部会长周谷声,付会长徐幼予,会员严鸣,张恒益,彭芳等出席了此次活动。 主办方还准备了丰盛的自助餐,整个酒会气氛友好、热情、融合。


On April 3, 2019, from 6 pm to 10 pm, the Wall Street Seven Universities Joint Buy-Side Financial Networking event hosted by the American Alumni Association of the Chinese University of Science and Technology was held at the 1600 Broadway 4th Floor lounge in Times Square. This is the second time that Wall Street Seven Universities Joint Financial Networking event was held. More than 60 Wall Street buy-side fund managers and executives participated in the gathering.

During the event, Mr. Du Yunsong, the alumnus of the organizer and the executive president of SMBC Capital Markets Department, delivered a welcome speech. Thank you for participating in the reception. I hope that everyone will strengthen exchanges, complement each other, explore cooperation and get together. I would like to thank the sponsors and volunteers of this event for their contribution to the reception! Subsequently, the sponsor of the reception hosted a speech on behalf of the chairman of the US Wei Shideng Capital and vice chairman of the Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneur Executive Club. I hope that everyone will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the context of the great opportunities for Sino-US financial cooperation. Explore cooperation opportunities and develop together. Fuzhou American Alumni Enterprise Club President Zhou Gusheng, Vice President Xu Youyu, members Yan Ming, Zhang Hengyi, Peng Fang, etc. attended the event.

The organizers also prepared a sumptuous buffet, and the whole reception was friendly and welcoming.

Gusheng Zhou