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COA Foundation 2019慈善晚宴圆满成功 2019 Charity Gala and Auction for COA Foundation

2019年4月7日晚上, COA Foundation 在28 Liberty Street, 60th FL, New York, NY 10005成功举办了2019慈善拍卖晚宴。复友资本合伙人、复旦美国校友高管俱乐部会长周谷声先生,韦仕登资本董事长、复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部副会长屈正哲先生应邀出席了此次公益活动。此次慈善拍卖会是继2017年COA Foundation年度中美文化艺术慈善拍卖会和2018 年西风东意油画展后,COA Foundation 又一次成功举办重大慈善活动。该晚宴汇聚来自世界各地的慈善人士、优秀的当代艺术家、部分北美留学人员,200多人出席。此次拍卖的作品有油画、国画、雕塑和创意作品。“源于华人,服务华人"。COA Fundation2019慈善拍卖会不仅帮助到了更多需要帮助的人,更让大家看到了华人的世界影响力在不断扩大。

New York, NY – April 10, 2019 – On Sunday April 7, COA successfully held its 2019 Charity Gala and Auction “Spring Rhapsody” at the Bay Room in the financial district. The Gala included both silent and live auction segments, featuring eight artists from China and the US, representing both established powerhouses as well as rising stars worthy of the Big Apple.Gala proceeds will support the continued operation of the COA Foundation, which since 2015 has helped thousands of new immigrants acclimatize to America with language and cultural classes. COA Foundation has also amassed a network of hundreds of Chinese volunteers that regularly hold online and offline activities.COA’s Gala was also the first party of its kind in New York City. It was a resounding success, indicative of the amount of support COA Foundation has been able to garner not just from artists, sponsors and institutions in New York, but all around the world. It set the standard for fund-raising events and has since been the traditional opener of the social and theatrical season in New York City.

Gusheng Zhou