
About Us

Organization Overview

复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部是复旦大学美国校友的商业领袖组织,于2017年由近40位商业领袖和企业高管发起成立,作为民间非营利机构,企业家高管俱乐部是企业企业家思想交流、 信息分享、 合作互助的平台,也是中国公司展开国际合作的渠道,企业家高管俱乐部通过组织一系列项目活动实现核心价值,为俱乐部成员提供服务。

Fudan Entrepreneurs & Executives Club-USA (FEEC-USA) is the club for Fudan alumni business leaders in the US. The club was founded in 2017 by about 40 entrepreneurs and executive managers. As a non-profit organization, the club serves as a platform for entrepreneurs to exhange thir business ideas, share information and help each other, and also works as the channel for Chinese companies to expand international business. The club organizes a series of events and programs to promote its core value and serve the club members.

Organization Function


Through the club to organize gatherings and visit entrepreneurs and associations in the United States, China and around the world, to provide members with their own business expansion and business services. Cooperate and invest in projects at the right time and conditions. At the meanwhile, we provide various types of consulting and related business support and assistance to Fudan entrepreneurs from China.

Organization Goal


Fudan Entrepreneurs & Executives Club-USA (FEEC-USA) is for entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, information sharing, cooperation. It is also a channel for Chinese companies to launch international corporation.



Council 理事会

Chairman 理事长:Gusheng Zhou 周谷声  

director 理事: Zhengzhe Qu 屈正哲, Guoxiang Hu 胡国祥,Qian Peng 彭谦, Xiang Song 宋翔,Fanghua Jiang蒋芳华, Yangang Xi 奚衍罡

Consultant 顾问:Shangjin Wei 魏尚进,Haoquan Chu 褚浩全,Licheng Xia 夏立成,Hongfei Zhang 张鸿飞, Qianqian Zhang 张钱骞, Qianqian Chen 陈倩倩, guang yang 阳光

President's office meeting 会长办公会

President 会长: Zhengzhe Qu 屈正哲

Executive Vice President 常务副会长:Guoxiang Hu 胡国祥

Vice President 副会长: Youyu Xu 徐幼于,Shenghua Hu胡盛华,Jing Lu 卢菁, Li Yang杨立,Xichuan Pan 潘惜唇,Qun Shen 沈群,Qian Yang 杨倩, Jin Wang 王劲, Gangqiang Xia 夏刚强

Secretary General 秘书长:Qian Peng 彭谦

Deputy Secretary-General 副秘书长:Qun Shen 沈群, Hanyue Zhu 朱函玥

Chairman 理事长

Gusheng Zhou 周谷声


Co-founder of Foryou Capital, graduated from Fudan University with a major in nuclear physics. He came to USA in 1981 and obtained a master's degree in physics in New York. In 20 years, he founded a number of companies in both China and the United States, and served as the head of several New York Chambers of Commerce. He was the president of the Fudan University American Alumni Association for over a decade.He has reached a number of cooperative business between China and the United States.

director 理事、President 会长

Zhengzhe Qu 屈正哲

Global Pacific Securities US 、Global Pacific Futures US、 Founder and CEO

美国太平洋证券, 美国太平洋期货, 创始人兼CEO

屈正哲先生,美国太平洋证券公司、美国太平洋期货公司创始人兼首席执行官,复旦大学工商管理毕业,持有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)3 系列、7系列、24 系列、63 系列牌照。



Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, founder and CEO of Global Pacific Securities U.S. Inc and Global Pacific Futures U.S. Inc, graduated with EMBA from Fudan University, holding series 3, series 7, series 24, and series 63 license of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

Before coming to the United States, Mr. Qu served as Chairman of Zhujiang International Financial Group (headquartered in Hong Kong) and Zhujiang Futures LLC (headquartered in Guangzhou). He was one of the earliest practitioners in mainland China’s futures and securities industry.

In addition, He is the co-founder and chairman of the Wall Street Securities and FuturesClub, a Non-for-profit organization serving financial practitioners on Wall Street.


director 理事、Executive Vice President 常务副会长

Guoxiang Hu 胡国祥

胡国祥现为美国恒保企业集团董事长, 1987 年毕业于复旦大学管理学院,1998 年创办美国恒保企业集团,20 年来在大陆先后投资多家制造型企业,如今是全球医疗耗材制造行业的领军人物,下属企业桂林恒保健康防护公司将在国内 A 股上市,下属风投企业南京宇都通讯技术公司和中国广电总局战略合作,成功开发网路提速芯片,全球唯一,世界瞩目,宇都公司也将在国内创业板上市。美国恒保集团如今也开启实业走出国门的战略步伐,真正形成实业跨国化,市场全球化的格局。

Guoxiang Hu is the chairman of HBM Group. He graduated from the School of Management of Fudan University in 1987. He founded the HBM Group in 1998. In the past 20 years, he has invested in a number of manufacturing companies in the mainland China. Now he is the leader of the global medical consumables manufacturing industry. The subsidiary of HBM group, Guilin HBM will be initially public on A-share listing. Another subsidiary of HBM group, Nanjing Yudu Communication Technology is working closely with China Radio and Television Administration and have strategically cooperated to successfully develop the network speed-up chips. Yudu will also go public soon. The US HBM Group has now going abroad, truly forming a pattern of industrial transnationalization and market globalization.


director 理事、Secretary General 秘书长

Qian Peng 彭谦


Founding partner of Fuyou Capital, certified financial analyst, Master of Economics from Fudan University, and Master of Computer Science from the State University of New York. I have worked in banks such as Bank of America Merrill Lynch and American Express on Wall Street for more than 15 years. I am very familiar with commercial banking and investment banking business, as well as financial technology, big data, blockchain, etc. I have served as the vice president of the Fudan Alumni Association. , Director of the New York Liaison Office of Fudan School of Management. Former Chairman of the Asian Financial Association of the United States and current director of the Asian Financial Association of the United States.

director 理事

Xiang Song 宋翔

现任 RBC Capital Markets(加拿大皇家银行资本市场部,全球十大投行之一) 全球客户管理平台负责人,在全球化金融机构客户销售管理、企业云端信息系统和大数据商业分析方面有二十年的专业经验。他曾就职于 MSCI (摩根斯坦利资本国际) 和 ISS (机构投资服务公司) 和 Allianz Group (德国安联集团)等金融机构,拥有复旦大学管理学士学位和马里兰大学 MBA 学位。他目前担任复旦美国校友会(纽约)会长和复旦大学管理学院纽约校友联络处主任。

Currently work in RBC Capital Markets (one of the world's top ten investment banks), the head of the global customer management platform, has 20 years of experience in global financial institutions customer sales management, enterprise cloud information systems and big data business analysis. He has worked for financial institutions such as MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) and ISS (Institutional Investment Services) and Allianz Group (German Allianz Group). With a bachelor's degree in management from Fudan University and an MBA from the University of Maryland, He is currently the President of the Fudan American Alumni Association (New York) and the Director of the New York Alumni Liaison Office at the School of Management at Fudan University.

director 理事

Fanghua Jiang蒋芳华

蒋芳华女士在纽约的投资管理行业取得成功后,2008年,蒋芳华搬到上海,成为一名教育工作者企业家,5000多名来自富裕和高净值的学生中国家庭受益于蒋的项目,包括戏剧,公共演讲、辩论、英语素养和英语文学。在搬到上海之前,蒋女士在管理方面工作了15年高净值个人、家庭和机构的资产和财富。1994年,她开始在摩根大通私人银行工作,2003年,她加入Paloma Partners担任董事总经理。2007年,她与前摩根大通同事,创办全球捐赠管理公司LP,总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市,担任合伙人兼董事总经理。自2014年从上海返回纽约以来,姜一直参与各种项目和商业冒险,主要主题是将全球资本和资源与创意和亚裔美国人联系起来具有社区影响力的企业,包括为娱乐筹集资金项目(电影、戏剧、音乐剧和独立影院)和创新科技企业。江女士于1988年获得复旦大学经济学学士学位,中国上海,1994年获得工商管理理学硕士学位来自密苏里州圣路易斯的华盛顿大学。她住在纽约。姜女士是以汉语为母语的人。

Ms. Fanghua Jiang After a successful career in the investment management business in NYC, Ms.Fanghua Jiang relocated to Shanghai in 2008 and became an educational entrepreneur where over 5000 students from affluent and high net worth Chinese families benefited from Ms. Jiang’s programs including Drama,Public Speaking, Debate, English literacy, and English literature.Prior to her relocation to Shanghai, Ms. Jiang spent 15 years in managing assets and wealth for high net worth individual and families, and institutions.She started with JPMorgan Private Bank in 1994, and then in 2003, she joined Paloma Partners as a Managing Director. In 2007, she teamed up with a former JPMorgan colleague, to start the Global Endowment Management LP based in Charlotte, NC, as a Partner and Managing Director.Since 2014 when she returned to NYC from Shanghai, Ms. Jiang has been involved in various projects and business ventures, and the main theme is to connect global capital and resources with creative ideas and Asian American Community impactful businesses, including raising capital for entertainment projects (movies, plays, musicals and independent theaters) and innovative technological businesses.Ms. Jiang received her B.A. in Economics in 1988 from Fudan University,Shanghai, China and a Master of Science in Business Administration in 1994 from Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. She lives in NYC. Ms. Jiang is a native Chinese speaker.

director 理事

Yangang Xi 奚衍罡

奚衍罡博士本科毕业于复旦大学,博士毕业于美国伦斯利尔理工学院。2002年起在美国学习、工作。曾任通用电气全球研发中心半导体器件科学家、美国 ITW(财富 100 强企业)下属子公司 Despatch 的太阳能事业部首席技术官、美国 ProEnergy 公司的创始人、浙江谷丰科技有限公司创始人兼总经理。还曾任中国科学院上海高等研究院研究员/博士生导师、上海科技大学特聘教授。他也是美国 Knight Investment Group 的合伙人。在半导体、新材料、可再生能源、节能环保、建筑科技、房地产开发、餐饮管理等领域有着广泛的投资经验。 先后在美国和中国投资/联合创立了多家高科技公司,并参与多个私募基金的成立与管理。

Dr. Xi graduated from Fudan University and graduated from from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a Ph.D. degree. He has studied and worked in the United States since 2002. He used to be the semiconductor device scientist of GE Global R&D Center, the chief technology officer of Despatch's solar energy division of US ITW (Fortune 100), the founder of ProEnergy, and the founder and general manager of Zhejiang Gufeng Technology. He also served as a researcher/doctoral supervisor of the Shanghai Institute of Advanced Studies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor of Shanghai University of Science and Technology. He is also a partner of the Knight Investment Group(USA). He has extensive investment experience in semiconductors, new materials, renewable energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, building technology, real estate development, and restaurant management. He has invested in/co-founded a number of high-tech companies in the United States and China, and has participated in the establishment and management of various private equity funds.


Shangjin Wei 魏尚进

魏尚进教授现担任复旦大学泛海国际金融学院金融经济学学术访问教授、美国哥伦比亚大学终身讲席教授。曾任亚洲开发银行(ADB)首位华人首席经济学家,并且担任或曾经担任美国国民经济研究局(NBER)中国经济研究组主任、美国布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员、国际货币基金组织(IMF)研究主管、世界银行(WB)顾问等职务。魏尚进教授同时为中国经济学研究的国际化进程和人才培养做出了卓越贡献。由魏尚进教授共同组织启动并担任美方联系人的美国国民经济研究局(NBER)-北京大学中国经济研究中心(CCER)年会已经举办14年;由魏尚进教授共同组织的哥伦比亚大学-清华大学国际经济研讨会也已举办多届。此外,魏尚进教授还培养了一大批从事中国经济学研究的青年学子,希望用国际化的视野深入研究中国本土化问题,为中国乃至世界的经济发展提供扎实的研究基础。

Professor Wei Shangjin currently serves as an academic visiting professor of financial economics at Fanhai International School of Finance at Fudan University and a tenured chair professor at Columbia University in the United States. He once served as the first Chinese chief economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and serves or has served as director of the China Economic Research Group of the US National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), senior fellow of the Brookings Institution (Brookings Institution), and International Monetary Fund. Organization (IMF) research director, World Bank (WB) consultant and other positions. Professor Wei Shangjin has also made outstanding contributions to the internationalization process of Chinese economics research and talent cultivation. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)-Peking University China Center for Economic Research (CCER) annual conference, co-organized and initiated by Professor Wei Shangjin and serving as the U.S. contact, has been held for 14 years; the Columbia University-Tsinghua University International Economics Conference co-organized by Professor Wei Shangjin The seminar has been held for many times. In addition, Professor Wei Shangjin has also trained a large number of young students engaged in Chinese economics research, hoping to use an international perspective to conduct in-depth research on China's localization issues and provide a solid research foundation for the economic development of China and the world.


Haoquan Chu 褚浩全

褚浩全博士 1986 年在复旦大学获管理学学士学位,1991 年在美国乔治城大学获经济学博士学位。2014 年年至今,褚浩全博士担任世界银行集团国际金融公司首席经济学家,为行业专家提供主题性内容及战略指 导,并管理及协调国际金融公司与世界银行(及其董事会)以及其他国际发展部们的合作关系(如国际复 兴开发银行及国际开发协会)。2010 年至 2013 年,褚浩全博士担任阿联酋阿布扎比投资管理局的第一位首席经济学家,该基金是世界上最大主权财富基金之一,旗下拥有数千亿美元资产。

Ted Chu was appointed chief economist of the International Finance Corporation in September 2014. A business economist and corporate executive for over 25 years, he has accumulated a wealth of practical economic research experience in four broad areas: corporate strategy, public policy analysis, multinational operations, and financial asset management. Prior to joining the IFC, he was professor of practice, economics, at New York University; chief economist for the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority; and chief economist and director of global industry analysis at General Motors. He also worked for the World Bank; Silicon Valley management science start-up Decision Focus, Inc.; and consulting firm Arthur D. Little. Chu holds a doctorate in economics from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s degree in economic management from Fudan University in China.


Licheng Xia 夏立成


Chairman of Shanghai Lanmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Director of Fudan University Alumni Association, and Head of Fudan Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club. Founded in 2002, Shanghai Lanmeng is committed to providing IT outsourcing, IT procurement, weak current engineering, system integration, network security, cloud services, equipment leasing, website production, software customization and other services to enterprise customers, helping to upgrade and iterate enterprise informatization. It is an IT service provider that has won the "Shanghai Quality Gold Award" and "Shanghai Quality Benchmark Enterprise". For 12 consecutive years, it has become a "Microsoft Gold Capability Partner", a "Shanghai Contract Abiding and Creditworthy Unit", and a "AAA Contract Credit Level" qualification. In December 2021, I served as the head of the Fudan Alumni Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club, innovating operational models and continuously launching precise gameplay. Currently, I have nearly 2500 Fudan Alumni Entrepreneurship Members, covering various fields such as biomedicine, digital economy, chips, integrated circuits, new materials, and metaverse. I have become a new passion force in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation at Fudan University, gathering entrepreneurial alumni resources, Create a communication atmosphere that only considers academic age and does not differentiate between academic titles, to help alumni develop and care for their growth. Focusing on business model research, refined management research, internet marketing research in the Tob field, relying on information technology solutions to assist traditional business models in achieving technological innovation. Fudan University Physics Class 95, Fudan University School of Management EMBA2013, Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Mentor, Shanghai Science and Technology Achievement Winner, Third Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, Member of the First National General University Graduates Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Committee, and President of the Double First Class Science and Technology Innovation Promotion Association in Yangpu District, Shanghai. During college, due to unaffordable living expenses, he rented VCDs from Fudan University Dormitory 9-211 and earned 60000 yuan in six months, Completed academic studies (in 1998); I once rode the 318 National Highway with my daughter and experienced a different world. Awarded the title of "Most Beautiful Family in the Country" and "Five Good Families in the Country".


Hongfei Zhang 张鸿飞

张鸿飞先生现任弘桥投资集团管理合伙人,曾在华尔街资产管理、投资银行和保险等领域担任多种高级管理职务。张先生对多种金融产品有广泛知识,并在交易、投资组合管理、风险控制、以及重组并购、融资、房地产业务等方面拥有丰富的经验。张先生是HEY资本的创始合伙人,专注投资CMBS, MBS 和ABS。他曾担任鑫根资本高级管理合伙人, 负责国际业务,包括跨境并购,房地产和基金管理等。 
张先生曾就职于法国/比利时Dexia集团,担任董事经理和风险总监以及资产负债管理委员会执行成员,直接负责200亿美元的投资以及衍生物交易。此外,他还曾在德意志银行纽约任全球股票对冲经纪业务部任高级职位, 并曾在美国前十名的Nationwide保险公司投资部担任投资董事。张先生领导和管理了第一个保险业界的动态避险项目:对冲变动年金。在进入金融业前,张先生在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和波尔州立大学担任教授, 也是阿冈国家实验室研究员之一;张先生曾获荷兰代尔夫特科技大学数学系博士及清华大学应用数学学士学位,亦是特许金融分析师(CFA)。

Hongfei is a managing partner at Knightsbridge Investment Group, a private equity firm investing in TMT and consumer related business in various stages and is Vice Chairman of TEEC (Tsinghua Entrepreneur and Executive Club) in charge of international affairs. He has held various senior positions in asset management and investment banking business in New York, has many years of experience in management, trading, portfolio management and risk management, as well as in M&A, restructuring, financing and in real estate business. Before his financial industry career, Hongfei was a Professor at Ball State University and University of Texas at Austin. He was also a research fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. He received his PhD in mathematics from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and a B.S. in applied mathematics from Tsinghua University, China. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Vice President 副会长

Eugene Xu 徐幼于

GardenStar 集团创始人及管理合伙人



徐幼于博士目前是设在新泽西州的房地产投资公司GardenStar集团的管理合伙人。从2010年至2019年,他是设立在纽约的对冲基金LibreMax资本的创始人、总风险官和投资技术主管。在2000年至2010年期间,他就职于德意志银行证券部,在纽约历任房贷证券研究部主管及资产证券交易策略及量化模型部董事总经理。在1997年至2000年期间,他就职于瑞信银行资产证券研究部,任副总裁,主管量化分析及劣后房贷证券投资策略及其他有关的研究。在1996年至1997年期间,徐博士任大通银行房贷证券研究部副总裁。1993年至1996年,徐博士在Smith Barney房贷证券研究部任职。在此之前,徐博士曾在普林斯顿高等研究院从事博士后工作。徐博士在上海复旦大学获得数学理学士和硕士学位,在洛杉矶加州大学获得数学哲学博士学位。

 徐博士的有关次级房贷的研究工作曾被多家媒体广泛报道,在行业中广为人知。Baron‘s周刊2006年2月13日一期曾以《总是要还的》为题,专题报道了徐博士的研究及其对次贷市场的预测。他的工作还被两本《纽约时报》畅销书详细地描写。这两本书分别是Greg Zuckerman的《有史以来最棒的交易》和Michael Lewis的《大空头》,而后者被改编成了同名的好莱坞大片,并在2016年获得了包括最佳影片奖在内的5项奥斯卡奖。《机构投资人》杂志2011年3月21日一期还在《对冲基金的新面孔》一文中向读者介绍了徐博士。

Dr. Eugene Xu is currently a Managing Partner of New Jersey based real estate investment firm GardenStar Group, LLC. He was a Co-Founder, Chief Risk Officer and Head of Investing Technology at LibreMax Capital, LLC, a New York based hedge fund from 2010 until he retired from the firm at the end of 2019. From 2000 to 2010, he worked in Deutsche Bank Securities’ New York office, where he served as Director and Head of Residential Mortgage-related ABS Research, and then Managing Director and Head of ABS Trading Strategy and Quantitative Modeling. From 1997 to 2000, he served as a Vice President at ABS Research at Credit Suisse, where he was responsible for quantitative analysis, subordinate MBS strategies, and other research projects. Dr. Xu served as Vice President in MBS Research at Chase Securities from 1996 to 1997 and Smith Barney from 1993 to 1996. He was also a Research Member for the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Dr. Xu holds a B.Sc. degree, a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, and holds a Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Xu’s research work on subprime mortgages before 2008 was widely known in the MBS investment circle as it was extensively covered in Baron’s feature article Coming Home to Roost on its February 13, 2006 issue. It was also covered by two New York Times non-fiction bestsellers: Gregory Zuckerman’s The Greatest Trade Ever and Michael Lewis’s The Big Short, the latter was adapted into a motion picture which won 2016 Academy Awards in five categories, including the Best Picture. His profile was also featured in March 21, 2011’s Institutional Investors Magazine article The Future Faces of Hedge Funds, among other media coverages.


Vice President 副会长

Shenghua Hu 胡盛华

胡盛华先生是原花旗银行(中国)副行长,复旦大学校友。2006 年胡盛华先生在新加坡主管当地利率市场并负责亚洲期权交易。1990 年他在纽约加入花旗银行毕业生计划。1998 年主管期权业务,之后联席主管美国利率衍生品交易至 2000 年。曾任职于贝尔斯登公司和汇丰银行。斯坦福大学硕士,复旦大学学士。

Shenghua Hu is Chairman of Silvan Group, a hedge fund specializing in short-term real estate bridge loans. Before launching Silvan Group, Mr. Hu served in various roles at Citigroup, as EVP of Citibank China, Head of Rates Trading for Asia & Pacific, and Head of Fixed Income Derivatives Trading for North America. He also served as a senior executive at HSBC USA and Bear Stearns. Mr. Hu has a Master’s Degree in Statistics from Stanford University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics from Fudan University.


Vice President 副会长

Jing Lu 卢菁

卢菁博士,现任Keyarch Acquisition Corporation和Bowen Acquisition Corporation的首席财务官,这两家公司分别于2022年1月和2023年7月在纳斯达克上市。

彼于金融服务行业拥有逾20年经验。此前,她于 2019 年至 2021 年担任新希望生育中心 (NHFC) 的首席投资官,负责采购和管理私募股权投资、银行贷款和政府 PPP 贷款。她还曾担任中国桥资本国际有限公司的董事总经理和首席运营官,这是一家专门从事创新技术的私募股权/风险投资咨询公司。在从事私募股权/风险投资之前,卢博士曾担任CIBC World Markets的执行董事,从事公司证券业务,并担任纽约联邦储备银行的银行监管机构和监督员,负责巴塞尔资本协议以及审查银行对巴塞尔协议的实施情况。


Dr. Jing Lu, is currently Chief Financial Officer of Keyarch Acquisition Corporation and Bowen Acquisition Corporation, both are Nasdaq-listed blank check companies since January 2022 and July 2023 respectively.  

She has more than 20 years of experience in the financial service industry. Previously, she served as Chief Investment Officer for the New Hope Fertility Center (NHFC) from 2019 to 2021, sourcing and managing PE investments, bank loans and government PPP loans. She also served as Managing Director and then Chief Operating Officer of China Bridge Capital International Inc., a PE/VC investment advisory company specialized in innovative technologies. Prior to these PE/VC adventures, Dr. Lu was an Executive Director at CIBC World Markets working on corporate securities, and a bank regulator and supervisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, working on Basel Capital Accords as well as examining banks’ implementation of the Basel Accords.

Before moving to New York, Dr. Lu was a professor of economics at York University in Canada for four years, specializing her teaching and research in Macroeconomics, Institutional Economics, and Econometrics. She received Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Western University in Canada, a Graduate Certificate in Economics from the People’s University in China, and a B.A. in World Economy from Fudan University in China. 

Vice President 副会长

Li Yang杨立

杨立律师是杨立联合律师事务所的创始人以及合伙人。1997 年创立于纽约曼哈顿世贸金融区的杨立联合律师事务所 (又名 “杨立律师法律办公室” ) 是一个专业的法律律师事务所,十多年来兢兢业业,历经 911 灾变与美国次贷风暴与金融海啸,15 年来除了持续服务纽约客户外,也与上海、香港等地密切配合 ,从事跨国民商事案件以及相关之纠纷处理。杨立联合律师事务所团队中的律师,都是毕业于美国知名法律学院,具有法律博士、硕士等学历,而且在法律领域外也都具有丰富的阅历与社会经验。他们除了受过完整美国法学教育训练之外,也受过中国与台湾法学院教育熏陶,杨立联合律师事务所曾帮助过无数的中国企业在美国上市、投资,也帮助过无数的中国客户在美国置产、移民,解决所有在美国日常生活遇到的各种法律难题。

Attorney Yang Li is the founder and partner of Yang Li United Law Firm. Founded in 1997 in the World Trade Center Financial District of Manhattan, New York, Yang Li & Associates Law Firm (also known as "Yang Li Law Office") is a professional law firm that has worked hard for more than ten years and has experienced the 911 disaster and the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. In the face of the financial tsunami, in addition to continuing to serve New York clients over the past 15 years, we have also worked closely with Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places to engage in transnational civil and commercial cases and related dispute resolution. The lawyers in the team of Yang Li United Law Firm all graduated from well-known law schools in the United States, with doctorate degrees in law, master's degrees, etc., and they also have rich experience and social experience outside the legal field. In addition to receiving complete legal education and training in the United States, they have also received education from law schools in China and Taiwan. Yang Li & Associates Law Firm has helped countless Chinese companies list and invest in the United States, and has also helped countless Chinese clients purchase property in the United States. Property, immigration, and solve all kinds of legal problems encountered in daily life in the United States.

Vice President 副会长

Xichuan Pan 潘惜唇


Mr. Pan is the head of the corporate practice group in the New York office of Dorsey, and serves as the co-chairman of the industry-widely recognized joint practice group of Dorsey in the U.S. and China. Attorney Pan graduated from Harvard Law School in 2004 and also holds law degrees from China and Sweden. Mr. Pan is a widely respected corporate lawyer who has long focused on cross-border transactions. She specializes in leading strategic corporate transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, equity and debt financings and other cross-border corporate transactions. In addition to his extensive transaction experience, Mr. Pan also oversees and manages risk control, dispute resolution and investigation matters for corporate clients and their executives and directors. She serves as principal external counsel to a number of global corporations and financial institutions.

Vice President 副会长、Deputy Secretary-General 副秘书长

Qun Shen 沈群

上海爱威影音、SensaSound USA 创始人,复旦大学工商管理硕士。爱威影音致力于将家庭影院带入中国的千家万户,为中国消费者提供影音智能生活的全面解决方案。旗下企业包含以代理国际知名影音、智能品牌为核心的爱威影音, 成立于美国的影音品牌SensaSound以及中国最大在线蓝光交流平台的Blufans(布鲁会)。专注于家居智能、影音的他,近期开始涉足音乐教育领域,旨在构建中美艺术文化交流平台,通过“主教陪练”项目将美国高品质的钢琴、小提琴等教育理念、经验、实操通过互联网模式引入中国,成为国内琴童学习国外优质教育资源的在线平台。

Mr. Shen graduated from the EMBA program of Fudan University School of Management. With a mission to bring home theaters to every households in China, he started AV Style Audio/Visual company, committed to providing Chinese consumers with systematic Smart home entertainment solutions. In 2015, he introduced CEDIA and THX, the authoritative standards of the international A/V industry, to China to improve the overall level of China's A/V, and smart home industry. His major subsidiaries include Av Style, focusing on importing and distributing world renowned A/V and Smart home hardware brands, SensaSound, a US-based A/V brand, and Blufans, the largest online Blu-ray forum in China. Recently extended from Audio/Visual and smart home to music education, he started a China-US art and cultural exchange program----“Your music Tutor”, aiming at introducing the advanced concept and abundant experiences of US music education to China, integrating high-quality music education resources home and abroad, and providing with Chinese Children with world best music education resources.

Vice President 副会长

Qian Yang 杨倩

杨倩,现任荣灿生物医药技术有限公司董事;复旦EMBA 。曾在中国内地金融机构担任高管;近10年来先后以联合创始人、投资人的身份参与了多家科技创新企业的发展与上市。

Yang Qian, currently a director of Rongcan Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.; Fudan EMBA. He once served as a senior executive in a financial institution in mainland China; in the past 10 years, he has participated in the development and listing of a number of technological innovation companies as a co-founder and investor.

Vice President 副会长

Jin Wang 王劲


Dr. Wang Jin, chairman and CEO of Ronghui Jinke, has more than 20 years of practical management experience in the financial industry. He was the vice president of Baidu Group and the co-founder of Baidu's financial business group. Served as Senior Vice President of American Express Company. An overseas high-level talent in Beijing, who was invited to give a speech at the Federal Reserve. Ph.D. in Physics and MBA in Finance from Michigan State University.