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复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部应邀出席首屆中美经贸论坛 FEEC attended to The first Sino-US Economic and Trade Forum

6月12日,春风习习,阳光明媚。旅美纽约各高校一百多名校友,迎来了以王丕君秘书长领队的欧美同学会(中国留学人员联谊会)一行。首屆中美经贸论坛在237 Park Ave. 会议厅召开。

论坛由王丕君秘书长致开幕辞,由中国人民对外友好协会民间外交战略研究中心李新玉主任主持,围绕三个主题展开演讲。首先由中国政策科研会经济政策委员会副主任徐洪才,美国汇盛金融公司首席经济学家、纽约大学教授陈凯丰,及美国田纳西州经济社会发展署署长Bob Rolfe就“中美民间经贸合作与共赢”这一主题,发表了精彩的演讲。接下来由中国银行纽约分行战略研究总监黄小军,美国AIG董事总经理、首席经纪学家莫恒勇,KBW 董事总经理Sanjay Sakhrani围绕着第二主题,即中美民间金融关系前景各自发表了看法。论坛的第三个主题是中美企业创新与发展机遇。先由福布斯中国总编辑Russell Flannery 以流利的中文讲述了中国目前创新新形势。之后北京深思云天董事长凌云,安永会计所合伙人陈小珍都作了生动的演讲。随后,中国能源安全研究所所长高志凯主持四位嘉宾就“增进交流合作,实现互利共赢的对话”中关于目前大家关心的中美贸易战等问题与到会嘉宾进行了互动。大会取得了圆满成功。


It was a beautiful sunny and breezy Spring day today, June 12, 2019. More than 100 alumni from colleges and universities in New York have welcomed the Western Returned Scholars Association (Overseas-educated Scholars Association of China), led by Secretary-General Wang Pijun. The first Sino-US Economic and Trade Forum was held in the conference hall of 237 Park Ave.

The forum was opened by Secretary-General Wang and hosted by Director Li Xinyu at the Research Center for People Diplomacy of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. The night’s speeches were mainly about three topics.Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Committee of China Association of Policy Science, NYU professor as well as the chief economist of Forex Signs Inc. Chen Kaifeng, and Bob Rolfe, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, all delivered great speeches on "Sino-US civil People cooperation and win-win".Huang Xiaojun, Executive Vice President at Bank of China New York Branch, Henry Mo, Managing Director and Chief Economist at AIG, and Sanjay Sakhrani, Managing Director at KBW, shared their views on the second topic, the prospects of Sino-US private financial relations.The third topic of the forum is the opportunities for innovation and development of Chinese and American companies. In fluent Chinese, Forbes China editor-in-chief Russell Flannery talked about the current situation of China's innovation, which followed by lively speeches given by Chairmen Lingyun of Beijing Deep thought YT and Chen Xiaozhen, partner at Ernst & Young.Subsequently, Gao Zhikai, director of the China Institute of Energy Security, along with four guests interacted with the audience on the issue of “increasing exchanges and cooperation, achieving a mutually beneficial and win-win dialogue” in the current Sino-US trade wars background.The conference was a Huge success.

On behalf of Fudan University Alumni in America, Chairman Zhou Gusheng at Fudan entrepreneurs & Executives Club-USA attended the forum and expressed his warm welcome to fellow Fudan Alumnus Secretary-General Wang Yijun and his delegation. He had an extended discussion with Secretary-General Wang and Director Li Xinyu afterwards. The guests took photos together.

Gusheng Zhou