
News & Events

146家组织+超400万美元捐款捐物| ACUC联盟招募进入尾声














“美国华人爱心联盟”(ACUC) 招募行动在4月12号晚正式截止,目前已有146家机构、组织、公司及个人加入到“美国华人爱心联盟”(最新名单请参考文末附录),据初步统计,总捐助的现金和医疗物资加起来的金额已经超过四百万美金。最终名单及捐助金额/物资统计,之后将通过ACUC微信群、公众号等多个渠道发布。






为了让更多在美国出生长大的American-Chinese 也加入到此次华人联合抗疫行动中,同时抵制疫情开始后美国出现的以亚裔为目标的歧视行为,ACUC专门成立了ACUC Youth Alliance。目前已有多位华裔青少年加入,他们正在为CBS制作了一段视频,宣传华裔在此次抗击疫情中所做出的贡献。





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All the listed hospitals treat patients with COVID-19; among which, the smaller hospitals need more recognition and support, including but not limited, 

3 (Maimonides Medical Center), 4(Plainview Hospital), 8 (Mount Sinai Beth Israel - Asian Services Center), 10 (The Valley Hospital Foundation), 15(Holy Name Medical Center - Asian Health Services), 16 (Hackensack University Medical Center Foundation), 17 (Englewood Health Foundation), 18 (Saint Barnabas Medical Center), 19 (St. John's Riverside Hospital), 20 (Northwell Health Foundation), 22 (Stat Medical Services of NY PLLC), 26 (Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Foundation). 

3 (Maimonides Medical Center), 12 (Westchester Medical Center Foundation), 21(NYU Langone Health), 23 (Jersey Shore University Medical Center), 26 (Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Foundation), 29 (SUNY Downstate –University Hospital of Brooklyn) are DESPERATE for PPEs. 12 has been designated to treat COVID-19 patients at Westchester. 29 is transitioning and will be one of only three hospitals in the NY state that will ONLY treat patients suffering from COVID-19. 

5 (New York Presbyterian Queens), 6 (New York Presbyterian/Columbia), 14 (Weill Cornell Medical College) belong to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, they treat the most COVID-19 patients in NYC. As of 4/5/20, they have more than 1500 hospitalized patients with COVID-19. 

2 (Queens Hospital Center), 9 (Coney Island Hospital), 24 (Elmhurst Hospital Center) & 25 (Woodhull Hospital Auxiliary) belong to NYC Health +Hospitals, they are city hospitals that are desperate for PPEs and support is needed for their staff. 24 is the first hospital in NYC that has become overwhelming for COVID-19 and was reported on New York Times; patients were referred to 25 for more beds and ventilators and 25 has become desperate for support. All these four hospitals have changed their other units, such as psych, pediatric or cardiac units to ICUs. 




1. Chinese Coffee Club_纽约华人咖啡俱乐部

2. Wuhan University Great New York Alumni Association_武汉大学纽约校友会 

3. Taikang Life Insurance Co.,Ltd_泰康人寿 

4. Fudan University Alumni Association USA (New York)_复旦大学美国校友会(纽约)

5. NY New Chinese Generation_ 纽约华人新生代

6. Tsinghua Alumni Association of Greater New York_大纽约地区清华校友会 

7. Shanghai University of Science and Technology Alumni_原上海科技大学校友 

8. Durasein® 杜丽家

9. BNU-HKBU United International College American Alumni Association_北师港浸大UIC校友会美国分会 

10. China Merchants Bank New York Branch_招商银行纽约分行 

11. San Dong Zhu_朱三东 

12. JIA LAW GROUP PC_伯盛仲合律师事务所

13. O Mandarin Restaurant Group_御园餐饮集团 

14. worldview Global Impact_沃优联盟 

15. Overseas Save the Chinese Children Foundation (OSCCF)_海外中国儿童救助基金会 

16. BaiLu Group_纽约白麓论坛

17. Edgemont Chinese Association 

18. Topseat International Inc 

19. SYSUAA Inc_中山大学美东校友会 

20. Mulan Club_木兰俱乐部

21. Connecticut Chinese Association_康州华人联合会 

22. Da Tang Szechuan Inc_大唐四川 

23. The Chinese Finance Association_全美华人金融协会

24. Jingsh New York Law Firm and Asian Financial Society_京师纽约律师事务所和亚洲金融协会 


26. Haitou Foundation_海投公益

27. Hook & Reel_Hook & Reel餐饮集团-阳光爱心基金会

28. Tianying Xu and two ladies withheld the names in Scarsdale_许田颖及两名匿名女士都为Scarsdale居民 

29. NewStein Academy_牛斯坦学校

30. Nanling Global_纽约南岭全球

31. Beijing Foreign Studies University North America Alumni Association and BFSU America China Culture Exchange_北京外国语大学北美校友会/美中文化交流协会 

32. MenuSifu Inc & American Chinese Restaurants_MenuSifu携手美国餐馆企业

33. Beijing Institute of Technology Alumni Association of Greater New York_北京理工大学大纽约地区校友会 

34. SpiderSmart Learning Center of Westchester 

35. Nanjing University Alumni Association of Greater New York_南京大学大纽约地区校友会

36. Long Island Chinese American Association & Center for Chinese Learning at Stony Brook_长岛华人协会 & 石溪中文学校

37. Xiamen University Alumni Association of New York_厦门大学纽约校友会

38. Southern Westchester Chinese American Community_南威郡华人社区 

39. Peter Chang Stamford Restaurant 

40. JL LingHang Inc._JL领航教育培训学校

41. IVY Education Foundation_常青藤国际教育 

42. Hong Foundation 

43. Jericho Community_Jericho社区 

44. Fukien American Association (NJ) Inc._新泽西福建同乡会

45. Chinese American Association of Syosset (CAAS)_Syosset华人协会

46. Chinese American Association of Metropolitan New York_大纽约地区华人联合会 

47. Scarsdale inSight_集斯广益微信公众号

48. NYC Stay Strong (Chinese American Empowerment & Love Given 

Group, CAA Volunteer and PCR Association )_大纽约华人群 (凝聚华人爱心奉献群


49. NY LI Port Washington Area Chinese Community_纽约长岛华盛顿港华人社团

50. Long Island Community Emergency Service Group_长岛民间紧急救援小分队 

51. Wall Street Securities & Futures Club_华尔街证券期货俱乐部

52. Frank Dong’s Redfin NY Team 

53. SupChina 


55. Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA)_堪萨斯城中美联合会 

56. Jun Tian, Yachen Tian, Beiping Tian& Family;Danny, Elena Jiao& Family_田氏家族

57. Hola China Int'l Travel Service co. LTD 

58. New York Young Entrepreneur Roundtable & International Leadership Foundation_纽约青年企业家俱乐部及纽约国际领袖基金会 

59. Alumni of The Affiliated High School of South-China Normal 


60. Reid & Wise LLC_美国锐明文泽律师事务所 

61. Ridgewood Chinese American Association_瑞吉坞华人协会   

62. Million Lives_哈佛商学院业主总裁班同学 

63. Southeast University Alumni Association of Greater New York_东南大学大纽约地区校友会 

64. Phoenix Textile 

65. Metuchen Chinese American Community 

66. New Hyde Park Chinese Association_新海德公园华人协会

67. Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States_美国青年领袖联盟 

68. Qian Yongqiang_钱永强 

69. Asian Buddhist Association of NY_美東佛教愛心慈善會

70. Huaxia New York Central Chinese School & Friends_华夏纽约中心学校暨友人

71. Livingston Chinese Association_李文斯顿华人协会 

72. Magstone Law Firm 

73. Chinese community of Eastchester tuckahoe & Bronxville_ETB 三村华人社区 

74. North America Federation of Tsinghua Alumni Associations_北美清华校友会联合会 

75.The BayHelix Group_百华协会 

76. Huaxia Chinese School of Greater New York_华夏大纽约中文学校

77. Bodhi Education Foundation_菩提教育基金会

78. Stella Zhang Real Estate 

79. Nankai Alumni Association in New York_纽约南开校友会 

80. Fudan Entrepreneur and Executive Club USA_复旦大学美国企业家高管俱乐部 

81. Roslyn GRACE Inc_罗斯林华协

82. Fudan Fuzhong Oversea Foundation_复旦附中海外基金会 

83. Sino American Commerce Association_美国纽约中美商会   

84. Rutgers Prep Student Charity Association_罗格斯中学学生慈善会

85. Peking University Guanghua School of Management Alumni Association_北京大学光华管理学院美东校友会 

86. Flower Seeds

87. BUPT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA New York Branch_北京邮电大学北美校友会纽约分会

88. Guiyang Baizhixiang Orthopaedics Hospital_贵阳白志祥骨科医院

89. Chinese Angels Army_天使神军 

90. Summit Chinese American Association_Summit 华人协会 

91. China Guizhou Province Duyun High School 88 Alumni_中国贵州都匀一中88届毕业生

92. Jessica Chan of Scarsdale’s Sotheby’s International Realty_陳蓓蓓 - 蘇富比國際地產公司 

93. Ridgefield Chinese Community_康州Ridgefield 中国社区 

94. InterChange Project by Highschool Student

95.天津大学(北洋大学)北美校友会 Tianjin (Peiyang) University Alumni Association in North America 

96. Tein Her Temple Flushing_紐約天核佛堂

97. Sophander LLC_索凡有限公司

98. Wechat Group-Upper West Side Chinese Moms_微信群-上西妈妈群

99. iBridge Language LLC & iBridge Education Consulting Inc._美国慧桥咨询 & 慧桥国际教育咨询公司

100. Crab du Jour/Flaming Grill/Hibachi Buffet Restaurant Group  

101. University of International Business and Economics USA Alumni Association_对外经济贸易大学美国校友会 

102. COVID-9  Support Team from Changshu China_COVID-19抗疫援助小组 Changshu China 

103. N95forNYC / Fou Gallery_N95forNYC / 否画廊 

104. Englewood Cliffs NJ Chinese American Community 

105. Closter Chinese Families_科罗斯特华人家庭

106. Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) Chinese Community (including professors, staffs, postdocs and visiting scholars)_哥伦比亚大学医学院华人教职员工(包括教授、职工、博士后和访问学者)

107. South China University of Technology Alumni USA_华南理工大学美国校友会 

108. Artosino-Foryou Capital Business Development_雅博复友纽约商务中心 

109. WeShare 

110. East/West CoTeam_东西携手 捐助纽约

111. Chinese employees and families in Boehringer Ingelheim_勃林格殷格翰在美华人员工 

112. Danbury Chinese Alliance Church_丹城华人宣道会 

113. Western Connecticut Chinese Association_西康州华联会

114. HuaXia Chinese School Connecticut Branch_华夏中文学习康州分校 

115. Honor Related LLC 

116. Jun Wang & Associates, P. C._元合律师事务所 

117. Empire Scholars Consulting Group_纽约学者教育咨询公司

118. Richard Yan (aka “ShredderFTW” on YouTube & IG) and his campaign donors_颜睿奇及他的募捐网站捐赠人 

119. Palitex Inc. 

120. M.E.I. International Education_美教投国际教育 

121. Maywood Dental Associates 

122.US QIAO ZHONG_美国长乐侨中校友会 

123. Lower Providence & Worcester Chinese-American Association 

124. Heilongjiang University Alumni Association of the United States_黑龙江大学美国校友会


126. Harbourview Foundation 

127. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Chinese Alumni Association_冷泉港实验室华人校友会 

128. Long Island Fencing Center_长岛击剑中心 

129. Chinese American Bio/Pharmaceutical Society (CABS)_北美华人生物医药协会 

130. Yale SOM Chinese Alumni_耶鲁中国校友 

131. Tech with U 

132. NY Friends & Families 

133. Epic Pharma, a Humanwell Company_武汉人福医药 

134. Broad USA inc._远大集团美国分公司 

135. Astoria Peak 

136. ActuaryFellow

137. Larchmont Asian Americans & Friends 

138. TMD HALU INC_德荣科技贸易公司 

139. American TCM Society_美国中医针灸学会 

140. Pico Customhouse Brokerage LLC and Dora Chong

141. Peggy and Steven Chu Family

142. Yale University visiting scholar Group_耶鲁大学回国人员联谊

143. The Pingry Parents

144. Jiao Family LLC.

145. Dress Up For The Day

146. Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association_美中医药开放协会



Paypal / chasepay/ Zella payment :

Venmo ID: Chinese-Coffee-Club


 TD bank 

Account Name: Angel Pray Child Charity Foundation (501c3 IRS non-profit)

Account Number: 367658390

ABA number: 036001808

捐人民币请在群里加“莎莎”, 微信ID:Shash_H


纽约华人咖啡俱乐部是一个年轻有活力,积极进取友爱互助的华人社区平台。俱乐部通过举办丰富多彩的各种线下主题活动和线上的信息分享及经验交流鼓励会员们锻炼社交能力,提高交流沟通技巧,增强自信心,培养组织及领导力,拓宽视野和人脉,提高职业发展, 寻找事业合作机会等等。俱乐部的使命和愿景是鼓励华人抱团取暖,携手共赢,由此而提高海外华人的地位。

Gusheng Zhou