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复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部应邀出席《金碧辉煌中国画》——王生南纽约艺术展 FEEC was invited to attend the "Golden Chinese Painting" - Mr. Shengnan Wang New York Art Exhibitionnt.

美国时间10月3日晚上7:00pm,复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部会长周谷声先生,韦仕登资本创始合伙人、复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部副会长屈正哲先生应邀参加位于纽约曼哈顿雅博画廊(265 W 37TH ST, 16FL,NEW YORK,NY 10018)举办的《金碧辉煌中国画》——王生南纽约艺术展开幕式活动。本次活动策展人、雅博国际代表罗进女士;雅博复友商务中心总经理周谷声先生,先后发表了开幕致辞并欢迎各位莅临。韦仕登资本创始合伙人屈正哲先生出席了开幕仪式并参与开幕式剪彩。

当晚众多重量级嘉宾悉数到场,不仅有大量热爱中国传统画作的爱好者和企业家,更有众多中美艺术家到场品鉴。其中包括:中国驻联合国公使衔参赞陈松先生、全球艺术联盟董事长梁羲松先生;中国国际人才交流协会首席代表柳忠三先生;新华社联合国分社社长马建国先生;美国侨报总裁游江先生;中国驻纽约旅游局办事处主任匡林先生;美国东西方艺术文化协会会长李同欣先生;Founder of Vision Art Media-视觉艺术创始人MichaelLam;比利亚总领事Rudilph先生等等。



Mr. Wang Shengnan is a national artist in China, a member of the Shanghai Artists Association's Chinese Painting Working Committee, a famous Chinese painter and oil painter. Wang Shengnan studied under the famous two masters Yu Zicai and Su Chunsheng. His works are arrogant, rigorous in rules and rich in color. He is regarded as the first person in contemporary Chinese Jinbi landscape painting.

At 7:00 pm on October 3, US time, Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, founding partner of Wisdom Global Capital, was invited to participate in the "Golden Chinese Painting" at the Artosino Gallery in Manhattan (265 W 37TH ST, 16FL, NEW YORK, NY 10018) - Wang Shengnan New York Art opening ceremony. Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, founding partner of Wisdom Global Capital, attended the opening ceremony and participated in the opening ceremony.

Gusheng Zhou