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汇聚智慧,共话未来 复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部2024元旦庆祝会召开




   接下来,活动邀请美国哥伦比亚大学终身讲席教授魏尚进先生做主题演讲。魏尚进教授作为复旦大学泛海国际金融学院金融经济学学术访问教授,曾担任亚洲开发银行(ADB)首位华人首席经济学家以及美国国民经济研究局(NBER)中国经济研究组主任 、美国布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员、国际货币基金组织(IMF)研究主管、世界银行(WB) 顾问等职务。魏尚进教授同时为中国经济学研究的国际化进程和人才培养做出了卓越贡献。他从宏观经济角度分析了2023中美经济的几大核心问题,引领着与会者深入了解中美经济的宏观格局。

    卢菁博士毕业于复旦大学世界经济系,拥有丰富的金融和经济学背景。现任鑫根资本(美国)董事总经理, 曾在加拿大帝国商业银行和美国联邦储备银行等知名机构任职。撰写了著作《我在美联储监管银行》,也长期担任《华尔街在线》、《 华尔街精英谈》等媒体专栏撰稿人,以及节目主持、策划。此次活动中,卢菁博士给大家讲解了SPAC上市的操作流程以及2023中概股在美上市的总体状况,深入探讨了SPAC(特殊目的收购公司)的话题,为与会者带来了对这一投资形式的深入洞察。




    复旦校友,上海蓝盟网络技术有限公司的董事长夏立成,同时担任复旦校友创业创新俱乐部负责人,他的演讲为大家阐述了复旦校友创业创新俱乐部如何从创新运营模型,持续推出精准的玩法等层面,助力校友发展,关爱校友成长。 为复旦大学创业创新领域注入了新的激情力量。





Guests gathered and high friends were present.

On December 28, 2023, Eastern Time, at a unique New Year's Day celebration, the Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneurship and Executive Club welcomed multiple alumni and industry elites to share their experiences, industry insights, and investment prospects for 2024.

The 2024 New Year's Day celebration event and cocktail party will kick off at 4:30 pm local time in New York. Mr. Zhou Gusheng, founding partner of Fuyou Capital, delivered an exciting welcome speech. He is a graduate of the Nuclear Physics program at Fudan University and has served as a member of the Fudan American Alumni Association for ten years. He has extensive experience in business founding and leadership in the American Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, he has actively promoted business exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States. His welcome speech has brought a lively atmosphere to the entire event.

Next, the event invites Mr. Wei Shangjin, a lifetime professor at Columbia University in the United States, to give a keynote speech. Professor Wei Shangjin, as a visiting professor of financial economics at the School of International Finance at Fudan University, has served as the first Chinese Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Director of the China Economic Research Group at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Senior Researcher at the Brookings Institution, Research Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Advisor to the World Bank (WB). Professor Wei Shangjin has made outstanding contributions to the internationalization process and talent cultivation of Chinese economic research. He analyzed several core issues of the 2023 China US economy from a macroeconomic perspective, leading attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the macroeconomic landscape of the China US economy.

Dr. Lu Jing graduated from the Department of World Economics at Fudan University, with a rich background in finance and economics. The current Managing Director of Xin Gen Capital (USA) has worked at well-known institutions such as Imperial Canadian Commercial Bank and Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. I have written the book "I Regulate Banks at the Federal Reserve" and have long served as a media columnist for "Wall Street Online" and "Wall Street Elite Talk", as well as a program host and planner. In this event, Dr. Lu Jing explained the operational process of SPAC listing and the overall situation of Chinese concept stocks going public in the United States in 2023. He delved into the topic of SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) and provided attendees with in-depth insights into this investment form.

Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, founder and CEO of Pacific Securities and Futures Company, is one of the early practitioners in the futures and securities industry in Chinese Mainland, and also one of the founders of the Wall Street Securities and Futures Club. Pacific Securities and Futures Corporation, holding a series of licenses from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority, is committed to creating a one-stop asset allocation platform for high net worth individual and institutional investors, as well as a financing and risk management platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. Mr. Qu Zhengzhe summarized the business development of Pacific Securities and Futures in the United States after the booming investment and financing business after the COVID-19 pandemic in 2023, and summarized the characteristics that have indicative significance for the future. At the same time, Mr. Qu Zhengzhe emphasized his insights and experience in the field of investment and financing, bringing valuable thinking and inspiration to everyone present.

This grand event attracted the gathering of Fudan alumni and outstanding talents from all walks of life, providing a valuable communication platform for the attendees. Their experience sharing covers multiple fields such as international economy, finance, education, and entrepreneurship, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs and executives present to learn from each other.

The on-site guests and friends, after a buffet and full communication, welcomed guests from across the ocean to share through Zoom.

Xia Licheng, a Fudan alumnus and chairman of Shanghai Lanmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd., also serves as the head of Fudan Alumni Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club. His speech explained how Fudan Alumni Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club can help alumni develop and care for their growth from the perspectives of innovative operation models and continuous introduction of precise gameplay. Injecting new passion into the field of entrepreneurship and innovation at Fudan University.

Mr. Fan Chaobin, Vice President of Fudan University Shenzhen Alumni Association, as the Chairman of Fuhua International Education and holding important positions in multiple alumni associations, leads multiple international education projects and provides extensive support and services for the development of the international education field.

After the specially invited guests finished sharing their own fields, both online and offline guests and Fudan alumni spoke one after another, sharing their expectations and prospects for innovation, development, and the future. Exchange personal insights and insights, and jointly explore topics related to economics, investment, and innovation. Make the entire celebration conference full of vitality, innovation, and a collaborative atmosphere.

One of the most important aspects of this conference was the election and approval of the organizational list of the second Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneurs and Executives Club, laying a solid foundation for future development and cooperation.

This event is hosted by the Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneurs and Executives Club and hosted by Pacific Securities and Futures Company. The conference was carefully organized and arranged by a conference team composed of Peng Qian, Shen Qun, Zhu Hanming, and others. The organizing committee expects that the New Year celebration of the Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneurs and Executives Club will not only be a gathering, but also a platform for gathering wisdom and discussing the future together. Everyone's wonderful sharing and in-depth communication will undoubtedly promote the development of the industry, help more people achieve success in entrepreneurship and enterprise fields, and leave infinite possibilities for future development.

Gusheng Zhou